Building an inclusive, safe culture

Jenelle McMaster, EY Deputy CEO and Managing Partner, Oceania; CEW member

March 2022

Good intention is not enough. Be prepared to listen in – no matter how uncomfortable the message, and then be prepared to hold yourself to account in taking action.

EY purpose is to build a better working world. It is quite literally the reason I get out of bed and go to work every day, and I know it’s the same for most others across our 365,000 strong workforces globally.  But if there’s one thing I have learned, it’s that good intention is not enough. As well-intentioned as we are as an organisation, we certainly do not always get it right. But good intention does mean being prepared to take a good hard look at yourself when things are not working and figuring out what you can do to make it right.

In part, that was the driver behind our Bystander Intervention workshops. We wanted to enhance people’s confidence in navigating interpersonal situations and incidents at work, and we wanted to strengthen the supporting systems and processes for managing that systemically.

The training is designed to be part information-sharing, covering EY values, processes and support available, and part social exercise. We co-designed hypothetical scenarios with people at different ranks of the organisation covering challenging day-to-day interactions as well as more complex incidents like sexual harassment. The aim was to keep it real for our people on the ground. During the sessions, conversations were facilitated but were largely peer-led with a number of break-out groups and role play exercises.

Those discussions were highly instructive – and at times eye-opening.  We learnt a lot about why some people speak up and why others don’t. As a result, we’ve shifted the responsibility of speaking up from the impacted individual to an expectation that we all share that responsibility. It has given us specific actions to take away and work on and has been a critical step in furthering conversations on safety at work.

The level of engagement has been incredible. Over 3,600 people in EY Oceania teams have attended the sessions over the past nine months. We have a waitlist for the next release. It confirms that the need is there, and those needs have been revealed to be very different. Some people don’t know what to do, some need the shared experience of exploring what is and what isn’t acceptable behaviour, and others need courage or permission. At the start and conclusion of the workshop, employees are asked to rate how confident they are in raising a complaint. It’s been extremely satisfying seeing the response increase from a 5.4 (mid-confidence) to an 8.2 (very confident) and we know there’s still more work to be done.

For me, it was clear that good intention was not enough. We needed to be prepared to listen in – no matter how uncomfortable the message, and then be prepared to hold ourselves to account in taking action.

Holding ourselves to account

In 2021, we released our first public transparency report, EY Value Realised. Transparency is a crucial component in building and maintaining trust. It is especially true as our business makes long-term commitments – to achieve net-zero carbon emissions, increase diversity, equity, and inclusiveness in our workforce, and contribute to the prosperity of the communities in which we operate. 

We reported 12 workplace incidents in the Value Realised report, including 4 of sexual harassment. As the Respect@Work report would attest, this figure is statistically too low to be representative of the incidents that may be affecting people at work. A low number of reported incidents doesn’t mean every-day sexism and harassment aren’t happening. 

Incidents are just one measure that we have in understanding the climate of harassment and safety in our workplace. In recent years, we have run specific surveys and focus groups on gender equality at EY. EY Regional Managing Partner and CEO, David Larocca, Oceania held listen and learn sessions with gender diverse groups. We also conduct a People Pulse survey three times a year to gauge our people’s experience.

CEW has developed a range of resources to help leaders bring about real change in their organisations, and to track and eliminate sexual harassment.

We need to set the tone and lead from the top. With this in mind, here are examples of some things we should never say or accept from others:

  • A bullying and harassment policy should be enough to deal with sexual harassment and related inappropriate conduct.
  • We have low report rates of sexual harassment and related inappropriate conduct, so it’s not a problem at this organisation.
  • We have a reporting hotline which is well publicised, but we don’t get many calls about sexual harassment or related inappropriate conduct, so it’s not an issue here.
  • I have been in this industry for decades and I have never seen it, so it mustn’t be happening.
  • That’s the remit of our HR team. If there were ever a big issue, they would escalate it to us.
  • Our staff engagement scores are terrific and there is no indication of there being a sexual harassment problem here. That means we’re doing enough.
Most cultural issues aren’t hiding in plain sight. Often, it’s the things that aren’t being talked about that we need to be concerned about. Research tells us that sexual harassment is common and that it’s significantly under reported. In fact, increased reporting can indicate greater psychological safety and a culture of trust that the organisation takes sexual harassment seriously. We have a positive duty to prevent sexual harassment and related inappropriate conduct, and to continuously assess and evaluate whether we are meeting the requirements of the duty. 

We need to ensure our people feel safe to come forward and report instances of sexual harassment or related inappropriate conduct in the workplace. The only way they’ll do this is if they can see that leadership takes this issue seriously.

We take the health and wellbeing of our people very seriously. We work hard to improve our safety outcomes and reduce injuries, and overall we do a good job of preventing physical harm to our people.

As we have seen in many other organisations, sexual harassment is more prevalent than a lot of people think. This represents a real risk to keeping people safe in the workplace, and to our people’s wellbeing and productivity.

It can also cause significant damage to our reputation, our brand as an employer of choice, lost business, and to our corporate standing. If we fail to take steps to address this conduct, we may be subject to enforcement action and/or civil penalties. Our organisation may also be held liable for inappropriate conduct committed by our employees unless we took all reasonable steps to prevent the conduct occurring. 

We need to make it crystal clear to everyone in the organisation that we have zero tolerance for any form of sexual harassment. We will always take appropriate action when sexual harassment or related inappropriate conduct occurs. We seek to prevent these unlawful behaviours and to have a zero-harm workplace. We welcome the new Australian positive duty placed on organisations by the Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Respect at Work) Act 2022 and commit to implementing its provisions in a timely fashion and demonstrating our leadership. 

We need to treat sexual harassment and related inappropriate conduct risks as we would any other physical or psychological risk in the workplace. We already have existing systems and processes in place for identifying and mitigating workplace health and safety risks and hazards, and for defining our desired safe and respectful culture. 

We need to embed these sexual harassment response frameworks into our existing risk reporting practices and organisational culture, so all forms of sexual harassment and related misconduct are eradicated.

We can’t afford to wait on this; we need to act urgently. 

Sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favours or other conduct of a sexual nature. It’s not only a human rights issue, which is unlawful under the Sex Discrimination Act, but also a workplace health and safety (WHS) risk which can cause significant psychological, physical, reputational and financial harm.

Existing systems and processes for managing WHS risks and hazards should be used to eliminate the risks and control the likelihood of sexual harassment occurring in the workplace.

Board members and senior executives have a duty to address this. Everyone deserves to work in a safe, respectful and inclusive environment. Respect is everyone’s business.

Sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favours or other conduct of a sexual nature. It’s not only a human rights issue, which is unlawful under the Sex Discrimination Act, but also a workplace health and safety (WHS) risk which can cause significant psychological, physical, reputational and financial harm.

Existing systems and processes for managing WHS risks and hazards should be used to eliminate the risks and control the likelihood of sexual harassment occurring in the workplace.

Board members and senior executives have a duty to address this. Everyone deserves to work in a safe, respectful and inclusive environment. Respect is everyone’s business.